Sometimes we get so fixated on something we have planned and anticipated, just knowing that it will happen, that we forget to turn it over to Infinite Intelligence that knows all things. The personal self, the material person, the self that thinks and plans and has pictures of the way things should be, is the ego whose domain of existence is the human mind. The human mind has stored millions of information bits that identify who you are, how life is for you and what to expect in the future. The picture of the future that the mind holds for you is mostly formulated from the millions of bits of information that make up your identity of yourself from your experiences of the past. We each act unconsciously from all this stored data that the mind digs up as we experience life and causes us to act on old information that keeps us from creating the New.
Phrases like, keep on keeping on, don’t give up, good comes to those who work hard, etc. are from the personal self that has learned the lessons of the world that are reasonable advice when dealing with the personal consciousness of the world. However, Jesus and other spiritual teachers have shared new bits of information that allow us to enter a new state of presence in the world. I like to refer to this state of existence as the Garden of Eden awareness.
This new state of awareness shows up in Jesus’ exhortation to take no thought, do not worry, it is the Fathers good pleasure to give you the Kingdom, love your neighbor. We know there are many more simple phrases that tell us to stop trying to figure things out and let go and let God. His ways are simpler, easier, and actually fulfill our original intentions perfectly. (When we let go and let God.)
The Buddha also realized, after years of searching and struggle, that the key to happiness was to give up struggle and live in the peace of our inner selves.
Emelie Cady, in Lessons in Truth tells us on page 19, “We have sought knowledge and help from outside sources, not knowing that the source of all knowledge….is lying latent within each one of us, waiting to be called on to teach us the truth about all things.”
Our problems occur when we listen to the outside sources that we have accumulated over the years in the mind of our personal self and decide “that if it is to be it is up to me.” We then obsess and plan and even connive to make our picture of reality come into existence thus creating a perfect setup for fear frustration, disappointment and failure to occur in our lives. We are then able to be stressed out and blame the world (or whoever) for our problems.
Our world is different when we learn (actually relearn) the simple teaching of our master teacher to “Let Go and Let God” handle our life and affairs.