Warts and all, each of us is a child of God, created in the spiritual image of the divinity that created the universe. As children of the Divine, we are joint heirs with Christ. Paul tells us in Rom. 6:20 that we were given free will in hopes that we would learn to choose rightly. Unfortunately, we have become lost in the wilds of the ego’s world and like the lost sheep that have gone astray in Isaiah 53:6, turned to our own way.
It appears that the way we have turned to is a way of fear, lack, anxiety, competition, and many of the other characteristics of the ego mind that we have learned from our forefathers. Paul reminds us in 1 Cor. 3:16, “Do you not know that that you are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwells within you?” So, right where we are, no matter what we have done or what circumstances we have created, we have access to the love and forgiveness of divinity and the guidance to correct any situation we find ourselves in.
Much like the prodigal son, referenced in Luke 15, we can wake up and understand who we really are as a child of God and learn to love ourselves and then accept ourselves just as we are. This waking up entails surrendering to the guidance of the spirit within us and returning to love and forgiveness. We are ambassadors of love as we accept our true nature of peace, happiness, abundance, health and community.