In Jesus’s conversation with Nicodemus, a leader of the Jews, he tells Nicodemus, in John 3:6, “What is born of the flesh is flesh and what is born of the Spirit is spirit”. Flesh is form, matter, corporeal, with body and can be seen, touched and experienced in the material world. Spirit is without form, incorporeal, an energy, a vibration that cannot be seen, touched or experienced in the material world. Since we as human beings have a hard time believing in something that cannot be experienced in the material world, we tend to discount its impact and relevance in our lives. It does not exist if I can’t see it. Anything about spirit is a fairy tale, myth, story, or unscientific. (The final blow to credibility).
What is interesting is that now, science is saying that matter cannot change matter, but energy, vibration, light, heat, and other forms of vibration can change matter. Spirit is a form of vibration that carries the universal codes of the universe in its frequencies. These codes are the original frequencies of creation that were perfect when they were expressed in the creation of universe at the beginning and still are the perfect patterns of love, peace, abundance, joy, and the other gifts of the Spirit.
What we are experiencing in our current world is the corruption of the original creative energies of Spirit by centuries and eons of disruptive thoughts and beliefs. These thought patterns have been perpetrated by the ego mind that has taken over human race and created the chaos that we are experiencing.
We live in a world of the ego’s energies and frequencies. The matter that we see and the situations that we experience are of the ego. The ego is not going to solve the problems of the ego. Matter is not going to change or solve the problems of matter.
Jesus very clearly said to Nicodemus in John 3: 12 when Nicodemus questioned His statements, “If I told you about earthly things and you do not believe, how will you believe me if I tell you of heavenly (spiritual) things?” This conversation is almost exactly the dilemma that we find ourselves in today. The world, us, them, we do not really understand that the original frequencies for good that were created in the beginning are still available to us.
We are creators created in the image of God. We are frequency generators and receivers. The original patterns of the perfect universe are within us and around us. We are in them and part of them. We can learn (or maybe we know how already when we get still) to vibrate at these frequencies of perfect creation and recreate the Garden of Eden now. We are each the light of the world. We are the Christ, the only begotten son.
We are told to seek the Kingdom within, and everything will be added to us. This Kingdom is the kingdom of the original frequencies of creation that exist in each of us. Our job, calling, mission is to learn how to access these frequencies in our inner chambers through meditation, prayer, worship, and study and stop feeding the frequencies of the ego that have infected the human race. Spirit is Spirit and Spirit is the only power in the universe.
Our role, if we choose to accept it is to learn how to synchronize with the energies of love, joy, abundance, health, harmony, happiness, order and the other gifts of Spirit. We then become part of the change agents that entrain the original creative frequencies of Spirit. We change the matter back to its original form of love. This is a high calling, and we are on that path. We are living the Christ Consciousness.