Overall, the key to fulfilling the principle of mindfulness is to make a conscious effort to stay present and aware in each moment, and to cultivate a non-judgmental attitude towards yourself and others. Since we are a Christian based community, that means following the teachings of Jesus.
Staying aware of who we are and expressing an attitude of love always are the basics of mindfulness action. The practice of meditation grounds us in these spiritual tools which are difficult to embrace as a daily requirement to achieve the understanding of how to seek a life of peace, joy, harmony and love.
Understanding who we are is the first hurdle to overcome. Jesus tells us we are Light, we are gods, the Kingdom is within us, do not worry, all is provided, just seek God within you and all will be added unto you. We have everything within us to accomplish this spiritual path already, we just have to remember who we are and remove the cobwebs of doubt and fear that have shrouded our individual divine presence. The ancient practice of meditation helps our return to understanding who we really are.
This brings up the second hurdle that requires cultivating a non-judgmental attitude toward ourselves and others. Jesus tells us to love God, love others and love ourselves. Apostle Paul then tells us that all things work together for good for those who love God. This is a big step to take on our spiritual path. These ideas tell us to love everything and everybody no matter what. The ideas also tell us that whatever happens, happens for our overall good no matter how it looks to us. Each event in our life is a lesson that helps us on the path to freedom.
The tool of mindfulness meditation allows us to enter our closet and pray as Jesus encouraged us to do. It is in the silence that God speaks and slowly shares with us the benefits of loving ourselves and understanding who we are and then making the step to love each other as kindred spirits on the journey back to the Father’s house. These are the beginning steps in returning to the peace, joy, and happiness that we seek. The only way to experience that state is do the work by doing it.