Last week we celebrated the birth of the Christ Self into our awareness. Now we want to talk about nurturing, caring for, and growing this consciousness of God within us. We have grown up in the physical world, learned the rules of material existence and learned to rely on our physical senses to navigate in the world we experience around us.
Now we enter a new realm of awareness. A spiritual realm that Jesus defined as the “Kingdom of Heaven within”. We are leaving behind a world of illusion, a world of turmoil and upset created by the ego mind, and entering a world of love, harmony, and bliss which is our birthright as a child of God. To thrive in this new world of Spirit, we must learn new rules of the road and perfect our new spiritual powers or senses that are completely different than the rules and senses that we learned for the physical world.
In the New Testament the new rules are outlined by our Master Teacher Jesus, and then reinforced by the apostle Paul in later chapters of the New Testament. The “Twelve Powers of Man”, brought to us by Charles Fillmore, also outlines the new powers that open-up to us a we nurture and care for the Christ Self that has been born into our awareness.
Just like any new child must be taken care of, guided, directed, and protected, the Christ Self can become aware of the world it lives in, learn the new rules of the road, and learn to trust Spirit. This takes time and courage. The old must be swept away and new things allowed to manifest. Anger, criticism, condemnation and complaining must be left behind and love can become the dominate emotion, language and environment on the new spiritual path.
Everything we experience is of the new life we are living. We live in the new heaven when we walk, talk and live the new rules and language of the ‘Christ Self Spiritual Path’ we have chosen.