We say the words in the Lord’s Prayer, given to us by Jesus beginning in Matt, 6:9, and I often wonder if we are really aware of the meaning behind the words we are using.
The opening sentence, starts off, “Our Father” which was Jesus’ way of signifying the overall love, guidance and protection that is available to us. He then uses the term “which art in heaven.” As far as we can tell, the original word was translated as which, not who. This is significant because who implies a person or entity outside of myself and which is an inclusive word that includes all of us. Jesus tells us that the Kingdom of Heaven is within in another scripture, so this simple statement tells us the truth: Our Father, the source of all good is resident within each of us as Spirit waiting for our acceptance and acknowledgement of Its Presence.
The next phrase in verse 10 tells us: “Thy Kingdom come; Thy will be done in earth as it is in heaven.” It is important to note that the original translation uses the phrase “in earth” which is different than the popular usage of the phrase “on earth”. In earth was Jesus’ way of saying that all physical matter was subject to the spiritual laws that exist in the domain of God’s Universe and reminding us that we are the conduits for this power to show up in the duality that we experience in the physical world we inhabit.
We are the Children of Spirit that are here to bring back the love, peace, harmony, and bliss that is our true nature. We are here to remember the application of these simple truths to our chaotic world and usher in the truth of being. We are all One.
There is a path back to the Father. It is a path of love, peace, and joy in thinking, speaking, and interacting which begins in the simple words of the Lord’s Prayer.