Genesis 1:37 says “And God saw everything he had made, and, behold, it was very good.” (Lamsa). So, if this is true, how come we live in a world of conflict, disease, lack, war, poverty and man’s inhumanity to man, while we see wealth, health, peace, and general prosperity in other places? Certainly, seems to contradict the “very good” and fair definition of the world talked about in Genesis 1:37.
Maybe the answer is just a few paragraphs farther along in the book. Looking at Genesis 3:22 we are told “Then the Lord God said, Behold, the man has become like one of us, to know good and evil…” I believe we are being told that we are creators and co-creators with God. The law of attraction is clearly defined here for me telling me that my thinking has consciously or unconsciously created the world that I am living in and experiencing as each moment of the day unfolds.
This passage also tells me that I have the understanding of good and evil and have the choice to distinguish between them as I create through my conscious or unconscious thoughts. Maybe this is the key to the dichotomy I see in the world of my experience.
Spiritual teachers and seers have taught for years that we live in a world of our own illusions. Illusions are defined by the dictionary as false ideas or beliefs. The book of Genesis told us that God created a world that was very good and also told us that we were creators of our world and also had the choice of good and evil. So, if everything God created is “very good”, and has always been very good, who created the mess that we are experiencing? To me, it becomes clear that we, humankind, through our choices to see other than very good are living in a world of our own creation and blaming everyone else for our situation.
What’s interesting in this idea is that the code or state or environment of a “very good” world is still there. God, Source, Divinity is always present in all ways and under all situations. So, the pattern of peace, love, prosperity, harmony, and the other promises expected for us, are still there. They have just been overwritten, blacked out, corrupted and redacted by the choices we have made to worry, fret, retaliate, see injustice, attack and hate. Job, the profit, said it well when he said, “That which I feared has now come upon me”.
So, how do we get back to the world of “very good”? We start by cleaning up the unconscious mess stored in our subconscious mind put there by our ancestors, our childhood experiences, our cultures, our politics, and all the influencers that imbedded unproductive beliefs. We do this by a focused program of meditation, forgiveness, clearing tools such as EFT, Ho’oponopono, and other tools of love for the spiritual path.
We also believe that we need a loving and supportive community of like-minded souls to be with us as we return together to the Presence of Source, the author of our “very good” world that awaits us.