The Revealing Word dictionary defines peace as “Harmony and tranquility derived from awareness of the Christ Consciousness.” For me, that translates into a state of total security, comfort, safety, prosperity and fulfillment of a meaningful purpose to life. What would our families, communities, nations and the world be like if everyone was able to experience that type of life. I believe this is a peek at the possibility of a new world based on love.
Christ Consciousness can be defined as the absolute awareness of the perfect idea of God within each human being. We are each an expression of Divinity creating a manifested world of our beliefs. Unfortunately, we have forgotten our innate divinity connection and we are creating the chaotic world of the ego around us.
The peace we are seeking, that includes the harmony and tranquility promised, is available to us in a different state of being. A spiritual state of being. Just like we had to learn how to get along in this physical world after our birth, we must learn how to access and get along in this spiritual world of being. We have to be “born again” or change our way of thinking. Learn a new set of rules. Learn a new code of ethics. Learn a new way of being present in the world. This is the path that our master teacher Jesus kept pointing us to when he shared his simple parables and references to becoming like a child.
Christmas is a time to celebrate the birth of the Christ through our teacher, Jesus and it is also a time to celebrate the birth of the Christ in consciousness within our own selves. This brings the peace, harmony and tranquility we are all seeking. Join with us as we celebrate this transition to our Christ Self.