Paul tells us in Ephesians 6:10&11 to “Be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. Put on the whole armor of God that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil (ego).” The Revealing Word dictionary defines armor of God as: “The robe of righteousness (right thinking). Error cannot enter the consciousness that is strongly fortified with the light, life, power and substance of Spirit.”
Many ways throughout the bible we are given the key to living a productive life. We are told to put on the armor of God, enter the Garden of Eden, dwell in the secret place of the most high, enter into your inner chamber and lock the door, seek the kingdom of God within you, and other metaphors that are sharing with us the simple truth that within each of us is the Christ. We are an expression of divinity creating the world of our beliefs and conditioning. The ego’s world of lack, disease, confrontation, and strife that we grew up in and surrounds us is the root of that conditioning. This is what keeps pulling us back into the same life experiences that we are attempting to correct.
To break the spell from the ego that we find ourselves in requires vigilance and courage. It requires us to “put on the armor of God” and create a consciousness that is strongly fortified with the light, life, power and substance of Spirit. The irony is that there is nothing to struggle against. There is no power in the illusions made up by the ego. The master illusion that the ego has created is the belief that we are separate from God, the Universe and each other.
As we learn to enter the secret place and put on the armor of God, we slowly become aware that we are One. One with God, one with each other and one with the Universe. We are an expression of God and God is an expression in us. When the ego world confronts us with pandemics, fear of harm, political turmoil and uncomfortable behavior, we know that “I and the Father are One.” Our mental and spiritual armor is polished and bright, and we know that God is in charge and all is well.
This trust and faith that we are spiritual beings living in a world of illusion, and that behind what I see, hear and experience in this physical world, is a Garden of Eden where all is well, the government operates on divine law, and we all love and respect each other. Holding this vision is our purpose and divine calling. God is good and only good. Therefore, only good exists.
World Day of Prayer is one way to begin creating armor. Join with other like-minded people in prayer and meditation. It is September 9, 2020.