You are a child of God, blameless, sinless and loved. You are created in the spiritual image of God, the creator of the Universe. You are complete and whole just as you are. You are forgiven and appreciated. Eph. 2:8 & 9 says “For it is by grace that you are saved through faith; not of your own doing; it is the gift of God.”
Unfortunately, the world has sold us a story that we are sinners, broken and wounded souls that are victims of the world around us without hope or a future. “They” are creating problems for us; the world is going to collapse in on itself and we are doomed to a future of struggle and crisis.
If you go back in history, I believe you will find wave after wave of doomsayer telling us that the world is going to end on X date. You will also find that those same stories included blame, sin and guilt and were used to control the population and keep them asking questions or seeking knowledge and freedom. Ironically, these control stories were spread mostly by the elite classes and religious organizations.
True spiritual knowledge comes from an inner knowing that is guided directly by Spirit. It slowly shows up in our lives as we leave the past behind us through meditation, prayer, study and commit ourselves to the spiritual path. Our lives improve. Our health improves. Our prosperity improves. Our relationships improve as we learn to truly relax, let go and let God guide and harmonize our lives.
This step onto the spiritual path takes courage, commitment, persistence, and a willingness to trust the process. The only way to find out if it works for you is to try it. This path is described in most of the world religions, most of the recovery programs prevalent in our country and in the wonderful words of our master teacher, Jesus.
I know that whoever you are, you are a sacred child of God, worthy of love and respect