What an interesting bind we find ourselves in as we apply the Five Unity Principles in our lives, and we also experience the panic and directives due to the coronavirus from the government and medical agencies around us. The material world is properly concerned for the health of the general public and is thus issuing warnings and behavior changes that are targeted on mitigating the effects of the epidemic the world is experiencing.
The first Unity Principle tells us, there is only one Presence and one Power active as the Universe, so there cannot be another power called disease, lack, or limitation. Myrtle Fillmore tells us on page 44 of “Healing Letters” that disease is produced by our failure to understand the Truth and to recognize ourselves as the perfect child of God. To put it another way, recognize ourselves as the Christ consciousness. Unfortunately, we succumb to the constant fears and doubts of the material world and become subject to the outcomes of that strategy.
When Jesus was asked by the politicians from King Herod in Matthew 22:16, who should we pay tribute to, Jesus answered, “Render unto Caesar that which is Caesars and unto God, that which is God’s”. This tells me to follow the spiritual laws for my own spiritual life and follow the material laws that are created by the material world for the smooth functioning of the material world. We can only operate at the consciousness that is prevalent at our point of interaction.
The material world is the physical world is the governmental world that we live in, in our current experience. Since our current experience is the physical world, we are subject to those rules. We aspire to the Christ Consciousness and know that we are on that journey. However, are we sure that each of us has attained that level of awareness that we are willing to expose ourselves and families to the grand experiment and tempt fate? We are to deny evil and its possibility in our spiritual journey back to the Father’s house. We can make that decision each for our own family and lives. I do not believe we should make that decision for others in our spiritual community.
God is good and only good. There is a spark of love in the issues we are experiencing. Trust that we are all God’s children is paramount as we move forward into new territory. Maybe, just maybe, this new way of being in the world will have us figure out a way of operating for the highest and best for everyone. We love you and know that only good exists in our world and experience.