A Course of Love tells us on page 395 “The future depends on you who are willing to leave learning behind and who are willing to accept your new role as creators of the new – creators of the future.”
Paul tells us in 2 Cor. 5:17 “If any person be in Christ, they are a new creation; old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.”
The celebration of the Easter week takes us from the glorious entry of Jesus into Jerusalem, through the false charges and the trial with Pilate, into the crucifixion on Good Friday and then His resurrection into a new body. He overcame the struggles of the material world and manifested a new spiritual body.
I can’t help going to John 14:12 where Jesus says, “those that believeth on me, the works I do shall they do also.” This phrase keeps bringing me back to the spiritual path. I believe that the Easter celebration is a call for us to leave the worries, anger, strife, lack, and challenges of the ego’s world and create a new heaven, garden of Eden, nirvana or whatever name you choose to describe the bliss of surrendering to the Christ Light within us.
The ancient words of Isaiah in Isaiah 26:3 give us the path to the Christ Consciousness that is available to us: “Thou will keep those in perfect peace whose minds are stayed on Thee.” In other words, become a new creature in Christ. Leave the old habits of fear, conflict, lack, hate etc. and replace them with love, compassion, and peace. We cannot create a new world with the old ideas and thoughts. All we do is rearrange the problems to look better. The new world of the future is created by new ideas and thought structures that embody love, joy and compassion.
We are the Christ that we have been looking for. Let us leave the old behind and move into the new spiritually influenced future of love and peace. Let us begin with ourselves first.