We are a child of God. A direct descendant of the Source that created the Universe. As a child inherits all that the parent is, we must be divine in our nature, life and experiences. Jesus, our master teacher, expressed his divinity completely in our physical world showing us we each have that spark of divinity within us. He even told us in John 14:12 “the works I do shall he do also.”
Our original intent at our creation was love, peace, abundance, health, joy, bliss and all the other attributes of Spirit. We were meant to live a spiritual life incorporating all of these wonderful states of being. So, what happened? A Course of Love tells us on page 369 “The displacement of the original intent can be simply stated as the displacement of love with fear. It is as simple as that.”
We have allowed the forces of darkness over time to take away our beliefs in ourselves, our birthrights as a child of God, our understanding of ourselves as expressions of divinity, and the peaceful life of the spiritual path. This is the domain of the energy of God that we experience as Love. This is our natural state of being.
We currently live in a world of chaos, struggle, violence, lack, disease, fear, uncertainty, and doubt that has been fostered on us by the struggles of our ancestors, our every day experiences in the world we all have created, and the false beliefs that are endemic in our cultures that we have accepted as the truth for our lives.
The tools of the ego do not work in God’s domain. Conflict cannot bring peace. Only Love can bring peace. Anything that fosters separation is a tool of the ego to keep us separate from each other and our spiritual Self or “The Christ.” Marches, boycotts, rallies, and protests are clearly tools of the ego that keep the spiritual answer of love and peace from manifesting.
So, how do we return to our natural state of being? By surrendering to the part of us that remembers the energy of God: Love. This means that we stay in a state of Grace. This is an inner knowing that all is well and anything out there is an illusion and can be corrected with love.
God is Love and only Love. As we seek God through prayer, silent meditation, compassion and right thinking, we slowly experience a new way of life. It grows within us as the old beliefs are overwritten by a new script of Love. Our original natural state then has room to eventually take over our lives. We become the channel for peace that is our original intent.
Join with us as we continue on the path to spiritual understanding and awareness.