This simple statement is the “Golden Key to prayer” as shared by Emmet Fox, a new thought teacher, published in a little booklet in 1931, that has changed peoples lives for years. I believe this simple process characterizes the Mother Nature of God in Its fullest. A mother’s nature is to love, support, encourage, nurture, stimulate the mind by sharing new things, and be there with guidance and love without being asked.
Surely, this is what the presence of God does when we follow the advice of Emmett Fox and: “Stop thinking about the difficulty, whatever it is, and think about God instead.” This suggestion tells us to stop worrying and trying to figure out a solution and just dwell on the presence of God. It doesn’t matter what our understanding of God is. Just think about the names for God, the stories about God and maybe what Jesus has said about God.
Jesus has said in Luke 12: 29-31, “Let not your mind be disturbed by these things… the Kingdom of God and all these things shall be added to you,” ( or taken care of). This is what moms do. Take care of things without asking them to do it.
We have an inner mom waiting to have us give up the struggle and just rest in the arms of love and peace. It is up to us to honor that loving presence and turn things over. We do not need to figure out solutions or strategies to overcome personal problems, health problems, abundance problems, relationship problems, even legal problems. The Mother within, She doeth the work is our mantra. Yes, that is a part of the nature of God.
We are one in Spirit and love. Love always comes up with the highest and best answer to each and every challenge, problem, crisis, heart aches and yes, even little booboos. The Key again is to stop thinking and begin seeing only love in every situation in our lives. It is the Mother’s good pleasure to give us the Kingdom.