The 23rd Psalm is an outstanding affirmation of faith, trust and love. The opening statement says, “The Lord is my shepherd I shall not want.” Let us put it into a more current definition of its wonderful words. The title above is the opening statement re-translated in today’s words. Lord means the Christ consciousness that we are. A shepherd was to take care of and provide all the needs of his flock. His sheep had nothing to worry about, the shepherd protected them and took care of them. So, the Christ consciousness that we are, the same energy that created our universe, is our guide, protector and resource for all things. We are safe and provided for.
He leads me to green pastures and calm water which would mean in today’s world, he provides all the resources for me to eat (healthfully) and good clean water to drink. I do not have to worry about that.
He restores my soul and leads me in a path of righteousness. Again, in today’s world this would mean, He comforts me and calms me when I am troubled and shows me the easiest and best ways to navigate through the perils that appear in the material world.
When it appears that I am walking through a difficult and dangerous situation I will not fear the evils that show up. They are illusions from the material world and overcome by the truth that I am always, completely in the Presence of the Christ Nature and there is nothing to fear.
The Christ Presence fortifies me and gets me ready to deal with any difficulties that show up in my life and pours out love over me so bountifully that I am overwhelmed with grace and harmony.
Because of my position as a child of the living Presence of the Christ Self within me, I know that I am blessed, loved, protected and cared for all the days of my life and I know that is so.
What a wonderful affirmation of trust and faith from the heart of David, the author of this psalm. These are the promises that are still active and relevant in todays world. No matter what we are facing, we can enter the Kingdom of Heaven within and seek the Christ Light within us. Our faith makes it so.
This is the Garden of Eden consciousness that we are promised when we return to the spiritual path back to the Father. Help us support you in finding that path for you and making the commitment to keep the faith in our combined journeys. You are not alone, we love you.