In the preface of “Unity a Quest for Truth” by Eric Butterworth it says: “We are living in changing times, and it behooves us all to return again and again to the cosmic laws of the orderly Universe in which we live.” I believe it is time to do that. Eric Butterworth goes on to say: “You can change your life by altering your thoughts. It is so simple! Of course, it is not easy! There is much un-learning to be done.”
The key phrase here is: “there is much un-learning to be done”. The ego world has given us a set of rules and laws to live by. They look like: I am a victim and people hold me back, I am too fat, thin, old, young, tall, short, male, female, white, black, brown, yellow and on and on with multiple reasons that I am not living up to my full potential.
Proverbs 23:7 tells us that as a man thinks in his heart, so is he. Modern science is now telling us that our thoughts determine the outcomes in our lives. The science of Epigenetics tells us that the building blocks of life, our DNA, are altered by our thoughts, emotions and feelings. The epidemic of stress, anxiety and overwhelm that have led to drug and alcohol abuse, has been created by out of control mental illusions.
Jesus very clearly tells us in Matt. 6:32 & 33: “Your Father in Heaven knows all of these are also necessary for you. But seek you first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.” This is assuring us that everything we need to thrive is already available to us. All we must do is just learn how to accept this bounty.
It is difficult for the average ego trained person to grasp this basic concept of the quickening of the material human into the spiritual human, who has manifested the Christ understanding in their life. This is the task of un-learning the laws and rules of the ego mind, and through a program of prayer, meditation and study over time, and adopting and embracing the new law provided by the teachings of Jesus. This is the process that Paul spoke of when he said: “The corruptible must put on in-corruption and the mortal must put on immortality.”
This is our focus in the new year, to study and apply the spiritual principles that slowly bring the Christ Light into our world, and we then live in a world of our own creation of love and peace.