This is the last phrase in the song written and sung by Eben Ahbez that was titled “Nature Boy”. It is a haunting and riveting song that came out of the hippie groups that flourished in the 1950’s and 1960’s and epitomizes the spiritual ideas that we are studying in our path back to a Garden of Eden consciousness.
In our current environment of political, economic, and social turmoil, we cannot change the big picture and how it is affecting our society, however, we can change how we interact with the challenges and how it affects us individually. This personal change occurs in our life and affairs when we change our thinking. These changes take place when we learn to see, think and talk the way we want things, not the way they are. This requires us to see a new world, talk a new world and know only love reigns in the new world of God.
It is difficult to believe in wealth, harmony, health and happiness when we live in turmoil, lack, disease and upset. We have learned that our thinking makes it so and we still find ourselves thinking those thoughts we don’t want to think. This is the hurdle that stops us from finishing the race to success in life that we are seeking.
I believe the answer shows up in Luke 12:31. Seek you first the Kingdom of God and all these things shall be added to you. (and I might add, spontaneously.)
The Kingdom of God is within you. The highest energy that we are aware of is love. The Kingdom of God is the imagination power innate within us that is one of our divine powers. Luke 12:32 tells us that it is the Father’s good pleasure to give you the Kingdom or whatever you can imagine.
Going back to the title of this article: The greatest thing you will ever learn is just to love and to be loved in return, shows us that our reason for being here is to love unconditionally beginning with ourselves and to open and accept the love of others in return.
If you stop and ponder that and realize that what we think about we create in form, then thinking love and receiving love creates only things, events and circumstances that produce only loving things for ourselves and the Universe. What a wonderful thought.