I was recently asked by someone “how do I know it is going to work out?” This was after an affirmation of truth that I made about a situation they were dealing with. Perfect question to which I answered, “you don’t.”
The truth is we are moving forward through each day, each hour, each minute and each second not knowing what the next time interval will bring us. We DO know that there is a power for good in the universe. We do know that our thoughts work with that power to bring into our lives what we are thinking habitually about. We DO know that as we move forward we experience those things created by our own thinking. So, the answer to the question “how do I know it is going to work out,” is really, just because I know it is going to work out!
This is the basic choice we have: to follow the trail of fear, uncertainty and doubt or the trail of Spirit which asks us to have faith and trust in the ‘spiritual principles’ and just know it is always going to work out.
I believe this is the difference between a life of worry, fear, anxiety and struggle and a life of harmony love and peace. Jesus tells us in Matt. 6:33 “But seek you first the Kingdom of God …and all these things shall be added to you.”
When we ask for prosperity, healing, peace, harmony and the other positive aspects of life, it is the belief, faith and trust in our spiritual path that brings those joyful, wonderful gifts into our physical experience. “How do I know it is going to work out?”