This is a statement made by our master teacher, Jesus the Christ to the Pharisees that asked him when the kingdom of God should come. This phrase, The Kingdom of God is within you, has been difficult for modern day Christians to accept. The question is: how can the kingdom of God be within the hearts of these evil Pharisees who are plotting to discredit and eliminate Jesus? Some new translations have been offered such as, the kingdom of God is among you, or the kingdom of God is in the midst of you. These changes in translation all allude to the personhood of Jesus as the only divine presence that gives us access to the Kingdom of God. This changes the original idea of what Jesus was saying, that each of us has a spark of divinity and we have within us the same connection with the Father within that He did. His teaching showed us how to do this.
We are finding, in a spiritual walk, that Jesus assured us that we were the Light of the world, that the kingdom of heaven was within us, that it was the Father’s good pleasure to give us the kingdom and finally, in John 14:12, he says “He that believeth in me, the works I do shall he do also.” We are each a child of God finding our way back to the Father’s House. Jesus came to show us the way back home. His teachings were simple: Love God, love thy neighbor as yourself, forgive yourself, your family and your neighbors, be not anxious or worried and most of all, seek first the kingdom of God and right thinking and all things will be supplied.
Paul, that great apostle that followed in the ministry of Jesus the Christ said in Corinthians 8:16-17, “We are the children of God; and if children, then heirs of God, and joint heirs with Christ.” Our job then is to accept our inheritance, follow the teachings of the master teacher Jesus, follow our own spiritual path back to the Fathers house and embrace the promise of Jesus. These things I do you shall do also.
What is our potential, how can we make a difference, how do I go about bringing peace, love, harmony and joy to the world? Maybe the answer is the same answer Jesus gave when asked a similar question. The Father within, He does the work.