Paraphrasing a statement from a Course of Love on page 370: “For every being there is a natural state of being that is joyful, effortless, and full of love. For every being existing in time and material form, there is also an unnatural state of being. This unnatural state we call fear.”
Hebrews 11:1 says, “Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, as it was the substance of things which have come to pass; and it is the evidence of things not seen.” This shares with us the wonderful law of mind action that is part of the third Unity Principle: “ We are co-creators with God, creating reality through thoughts held in mind.”
The question then becomes, what do we have faith in? Our natural state of being which is joyful, effortless and loving or, our ego state of being which requires thoughts of fear, suffering and trauma.
We are going to read together 1 Corinthians, Chapter 13 on Sunday. This is the famous love chapter of the New Testament. This chapter outlines thirteen verses describing how love acts and how love appears and nowhere in those verses do the words fear, suffering or trauma appear.
We are each the wonderful expression of a loving, nurturing, Energy that is within us to support us, guide us and bless us. We have been given the amazing gift of materializing the resources we need through the thoughts we hold in mind. Paul gives us this reassurance when he tells us “Faith is the substance of things hoped for….and the evidence of things not seen.” This supporting idea is also repeated in our third Unity Principle when it says, “We are co-creators with God.”
It comes down to our choice. Which thoughts are we going to hold in mind? Our natural state of love or our unnatural state of fear?
We are loved and appreciated by an Energy for good that we call God. One of the blessings we have been given is free will. We must choose which life experience we seek; it is our choice, Love or fear. This is the spiritual path that we are choosing as we go about our lives in the physical world we inhabit.
We believe that we can choose love and slowly return to our natural state of joy and peace. Join us as we travel that path together.