In our busy world we are trained to be active, doing something, reading something, listening to something, talking to someone, or any other of the somethings that catch our attention. All these activities apparently are presented to us to assure ourselves that we are being productive and creative, to prove to the world that we are deserving to be here and add our portion of gifts back to the universe.
We are here to share our gifts and support the universe in its never-ending growth and expansion of consciousness. However, we are also here to bring the love and creativity that we are into the world to help the world live in harmony, peace, abundance and joy and we can’t do that when we are busy being busy and rushing around trying to put out the fires that are created by the ego mind that keeps us in that turmoil of doing enough.
I am reminded of a hymn that was sung often in the fundamentalist church I grew up in: Take Time to be Holy, Speak oft with thy Lord. In Unity we have learned that the Essence of the Lord is within. It is who we are. Jesus clearly told us in Luke 17:21 “Behold, the kingdom of God is within you.” In Luke 12:32 he says. Your Father is pleased to give you the kingdom.
Finally, we are told in Psalms 46:10 to “Be Still and Know that I am God.” The power of the universe is within us. It is there waiting to support us, love us and share the Kingdom with us. We just have to know how to make the spiritual connection with that Source that is waiting to hear from us.
King David gives us an answer in Psalm 46:10. “Be Still and Know that I Am God.” Charles Fillmore’s Dictionary of Metaphysical words “The Revealing Word” defines stillness as “A mental state of infinite peace, rest, and tranquility where human senses are hushed, and we abide in God.” This takes me back to that old hymn that encourages us to take time to slow down, seek the silence, go within and just rest in the peace of God’s Presence. This is the wonder of prayer that is talked about: The wonder of silence, peace, and love away from the demands, noise, and shoulds of life.
This is the language of God. Just like any other language, we have to start all over again and learn the new language of Spiritual Silence. This is the language that when learned as a new skill, allows us to create a direct communion with divinity. This is the return to the Father/Mother talked about in the story of the prodigal son/daughter.
The ultimate question becomes; do we have enough commitment, zeal, trust and faith to wake up and pursue the journey back to the Garden of Eden? Do we have the strength to overcome the obstacles that are presented to us, and do we have enough vision to keep us traveling the path to the Kingdom? Are we willing to let the past go and move forward through our power of choice?
Are we really disciples of the Christ within us and are we determined to live life in peace, harmony, love, and joy? I believe we can do this together!