Deepak Chopra, in an essay on cultivating joy, says “Joy is Divine. While feelings of happiness usually come from external sources and are temporary, joy comes from within. It is an innate part of who you are and how you express yourself.”
This Sunday of Advent, we are focused on Joy. Since joy is an innate energy within us, the question becomes, how do I access it? The answer is hinted at in the title of this message, begin a Practice of Cultivating Joy. Cultivating something is a definition of tilling the soil and preparing it to grow strong stable plants. However, in its ancient meaning, it meant to improve something by labor and study or devote special attention to something to gain knowledge. This idea leads us to an understanding that to experience true joy, that is already locked up within us, we must study it and practice the experience of it to realize the wonders of joy. What an idea. Practice things that create joy, inner peace, harmony and love.
Remember, the things that create happiness are external to our true selves and are temporary. So, many of the things we do to create the feeling of happiness are fleeting. They are based on the rules and standards of the material world. Joy is an innate spiritual energy that is based on the language of love.
As we prepare ourselves for the rebirth of the Christ in our hearts, we can consider different ways to practice the new language of joy through love in our lives.
There are five practice ideas that Deepak Chopra outlines in his essay to cultivate joy. They are:
- Find ways to be of service. Look for ways to give.
- Practice gratitude and appreciation. Look for ways to express love.
- Live your truth. Look for ways to be your authentic self. Learn to trust your instincts and intuition.
- Support your front row. Look for those that support you, inspire you, champion you, encourage you and empower you. Put them on the front row of your life. Put the naysayers in the peanut gallery.
- Give up being your own worst enemy. Develop and practice self-talk of encouragement, compassion and love. And Practice, Practice, Practice.
Finally, you are the Christ Self waiting to be born into your awareness. It is your birth, your belief and your acceptance that facilitates the rebirth of the new in your life. Thank you for your willingness to travel this path back to the Father’s House. We celebrate the New and give thanks for your journey with us.