In today’s world, people are asking for answers and solutions to solve problems and struggles and in this simple idea from Jesus in Matthew 24:42 when he said to: “Be alert for you do not know at what hour your Lord will come.” Lies an answer.
Part of the answer seems to be in Romans 12:2 when Apostle Paul tells us to “not imitate the way of this world but be transformed by the renewing of your minds.” Great sounding advice, but how do we do that?
Some things to consider before we dig into that question. First idea is to look at and maybe accept that we are an individualized expression of divinity, the light of the world as explained by Jesus in Matt:5. Maybe even a co-creator of the world around us. This creation occurs because of the words, thoughts and actions that we share in our daily lives.
Secondly, our thoughts, words and actions are stored in our subconscious mind and repeat themselves over and over again as we go about our day. Our minds are conditioned to work with and think with the thoughts stored in the database in our subconscious mind. Like it or not, this causes us to automatically keep repeating our life experiences because we now know, through current understanding that “As a human thinketh, so are they.”
Digging further into this quandary, we realize that modern day ideas for computer accuracy uses the term, garbage in, garbage out. This means that when a less than acceptable outcome occurs with a computer, the fault is not in the computer, it is in the coding or input that the error occurs.
Our wonderful human brain is our connection with the universe and designed, through our thinking to give us a bountiful supply of God’s love and sustenance for our daily lives. Unfortunately, like the modern-day computer, unacceptable results in our lives occur because the codes of love and abundance have been corrupted by our world (of the ego) to believe that struggle, suffering, and conflict are normal and we are run by fear.
Going back to the opening title and looking at how we make this transformation in the way we think: Dwelling on the past and operating our lives from the automatic subconscious patterns stored there does not bring in change and return us to Christ Consciousness. Looking into the future and guessing what will happen only takes place from what we already know at the subconscious level.
Only the present moment allows our mind to break free of the data in the subconscious mind and listen to the original plan of the universe of peace, joy and abundance. Being present in the moment allows us to really think with God thoughts and create the sustainable lives of love and harmony that we are seeking. This occurs with new thought, a new way of thinking, A transformation in the way we live. We cannot create the new with old ideas. The new we are seeking is the promise of Jesus in Matt 6:31. “Seek first the Kingdom within” and do it in the present moment without influence from the subconscious mind. We are divine children returning to our birthright of Love.