Jesus, our master teacher tells us very clearly in Matthew Chapter 6, that when we pray, to go within ourselves, close out the cares of the world, be silent, and do not ask or beg for anything because God, the energy of the Universe, already knows what we need before we ask. Jesus goes on later in Chapter 6 and tells us not to worry about anything in the outside world, just seek first the Kingdom of Heaven within and everything we need will be added to us.
Unfortunately, our religions, teachers, philosophers and theologians over the years, have given us this definition and picture of prayer that shows us on our knees with hands tightly grasped in supplication, asking this deity in the sky somewhere to pay the rent, heal Aunt Suzie, give me that new job, send me someone to love, or some other need for correction in my life and affairs. Someone once told me that this is like seeing God as the great bellhop in the sky or a supernatural Santa Claus that we must please and convince to listen to us and grant our wishes.
These strategies for prayer, that are common in our culture, seem to overlook the instructions of Jesus in Matthew Chapter 6 and in Luke Chapter 12. I know some could disagree with this controversial conversation, however, I really believe that Jesus has given a clear path to effective prayer that has gotten lost over time.
As a minister, I am often asked to pray for someone who is experiencing sickness, lack, relationship issues or some other major issue in life. Our prayer chaplains, who carry on the prayer work of our spiritual community, are also asked to pray for similar issues. They have learned to respond with yes, of course, and then just know within themselves that “the Father within doeth the work,” it is already complete and whole. Of course, we also use an affirmative prayer to verbalize that belief into the physical space around us, also knowing that the work is already happening on a spiritual level.
The work of prayer is remembering and getting in touch with who we really are. When we do remember, we become aware that we are expressions of the divine and realize that Jesus told us that it is the Fathers good pleasure to give us the Kingdom. The Kingdom includes all the good things we have been seeking such as harmony, peace and safety. (And not just the pleasures of the world the ego has been pushing.)
The secret to effective prayer is outlined by Jesus in multiple places in scripture: prayer occurs in silence and within, do not ask for things, God already knows, eliminate worry and fear, realize that we are each in a personal relationship with the great Source of all in the Universe. This Source wants only the best for each of us, we are in an invisible energy connection with each other and support each other through our connection to this Source. Our primary work is to stay in connection with this great Source of all in the Universe through prayer to support each other in this energy of love. This is a state of knowing who we are and relearning the steps to effective prayer by letting go and letting God. We are divinity learning to recreate our personal relationship with Divinity, the Source of All.