At Unity Spiritual Center Pflugerville we recently began a book study of Catherine Ponder’s wonderful book, “The Dynamic Laws of Prosperity”. As some of you know, this was the book that got me started on a spiritual path way back in 1978. This was also the book that finally answered some of my questions about life and changed my outlook and the direction that I was on at the time.
The title of this article is taken from the title of the first chapter. Right from the first paragraph in the first chapter she says, “The shocking truth about prosperity is that it is shockingly right instead of shockingly wrong to be prosperous”. At the time, this was a huge wake up call for me. I had grown up in a family environment that was warm and nurturing but also struggled for the basic needs in life. I was told that life was difficult, and I would have to continue the struggle in life because that’s the way it was. There was also a strong religious idea that the love of money was detrimental to living a good life and I was not to want to excel past our station in life.
It was amazing to me to learn that many of the great men of the Bible were prosperous and had access to resources whenever they were needed to continue their legacy. Moses, who is in that group of great men, says in Deuteronomy 8:18 “I will remember Jehovah God, for He it is that giveth me power to experience wealth”.
So as a child of the Divine, we have the innate power and ability to create wealth and bless the communities that we live in. It is our divine right to prosper when we let go of the beliefs and programming of the ego mind we have adopted and enter onto the spiritual path of abundance and expectation of God’s love in all Its many expressions.