There is a spiritual answer to mitigating today’s problems and issues that show up in our lives. Jesus shares it with us in Matthew 5:39 when he tells us to “not resist evil.” This is a spiritual suggestion, not a religious or moral rule or commandment. What I mean by that is that this is a philosophy of life that says to not fight back at everything that shows up and realize that when I do fight back, I give whatever I fight back at more power.
‘A Course of Love’ and ‘A Course in Miracles’ both tell us that there are only two states of being that affect the possible outcomes in life. One is operating in an energy of love and the other is operating in an energy of fear. The state of love has us looking for the best, forgiving and understanding another’s viewpoint, forgiving ourselves for misperceptions and honoring the Christ Self that we are. The energy of fear has us constantly looking for danger, problems, put downs, victimization, and things to fight back against.
Just a cursory understanding of the basic law of attraction, that we attract that which we think about and focus on, would show us that the outcomes in our lives, are based on which of these philosophies we adopt as the guiding principles of how we live life. It is a simple process that is very similar to a rule I have heard about computer programming that says: Garbage in Garbage out.”
Paul gives a straightforward pattern of suggestions of how to live a peaceful life in Colossians Chapter 3, “Put off from you all anger, wrath, malice, blasphemy, foul conversations…Then put on mercy, kindness, gentleness, humbleness of mind, patience.”
This is a guideline that tells us to choose only Love when responding to the issues of life that surface in our world experience.
Where do the thoughts and feelings that we respond to during the day come from anyway? Where do they originate? Who determines what we think? What are the random thoughts that come to us during the day creating for us in our life experience?
What we think and feel creates a consciousness of life that shows up around us. This is our philosophy that we then live by and prepare for each day of our life.
How would a philosophy of “Choose Only Love” impact our life experience if we learned to catch each random thought and change it when it occurs. Daunting task, right? However, would the relearning and practice of a spiritual path, that produces the peace, harmony, health and prosperity be worth that task.
The question then becomes, what are we willing to do about it? Are we willing to do the reading and research the new ideas of spiritual living and leave behind the jungle rules of the ego and old beliefs? Are we willing to put on the new persona that Jesus and other spiritual teachers talk about? Are we willing to commit to a new way of life to create a new way of life?
The path is there. The journey is there. The outcomes are possible. We are a spiritual community on that path learning a new way of living as we go. The more souls there are on the path, the clearer the path becomes. Will you join us in the journey? We love you and honor your journey in life. We know that only good is on your journey back to the Father’s house.