At the same time, spiritual path is also difficult to follow. Spiritual guidance from the Christian scriptures, Buddhist teachings, Hindu scriptures, and even Quantum Physics ideas tell us that each of us is a unique entity with amazing powers of creation through our thoughts, words and actions.
The idea that we are the creators of our own individual experience of the world shows up in the ancient philosophies as well as more contemporary postulates that are surfacing from study of the brain and the energies and frequencies that are radiated and received in our human configuration.
The simple truth is we are each an expression of divinity with the creative ability to manifest a life style of peace, harmony and abundance, We have just forgotten the ability and how to express that divine status. We have taken on the negative beliefs of the world which includes struggle, suffering, disease, lack and all the other miseries of the material world.
Jesus, our master teacher, tells us to worry not, it is the Father’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom, you are the light of the world, and even, know you not that you are gods.
What he is telling us is that we were made in the image of God in the beginning and we have forgotten that. He also says that the Kingdom of heaven is within. We have not lost it. It has just been covered over and forgotten in the day to day distractions in our world. It is still there within us. The question then is, how do we wake it up. How do we release the old beliefs and bring back to activity the God Code or Christ Mind that is there waiting for us to welcome it back into consciousness in our life and affairs?
That is the spiritual path, that is the renewing of our minds that the apostle Paul was talking about, that is the reconditioning of the mind that is the difficult part of the spiritual path back to our Garden of Eden lifestyle that is promised in scripture.
Modern day self-development ideas guide us to change things by what is called repetitive positive statements to create new pictures of what we want through the Law of Attraction.
A better idea might be, realizing that we each have a God Code or Christ Mind that is hidden in our brain and when we learn to quiet our minds and shut out all the noise, the lifestyle that will support that God code will manifest because that is our divine purpose, we chose for being here.
The key to this whole idea is learning to quiet the mind long enough for the divine plan to show up. That sometimes is the difficulty on the spiritual path. So with meditation, practice and determination, it can be simple. Just be still to hear the voice that is already there.