The Connection with All that is…
The spiritual principle of connection is rooted in the understanding that we are all One and that all beings and things in the universe are interconnected and interdependent. It recognizes that we are not separate entities, but part of a larger whole mechanism linked to everything around us. We are part of the dance that we call life, and we are a whole part of all that is what we call the universe.
We have been told, by the world we live in, that we are all separate and each of us has to compete and struggle for us to enjoy our small part of a successful, safe and happy life. On a spiritual path, we understand the principle of connection with all that is and follow the directions of the master teacher, Jesus when he said in Luke 10:27 “You must love your God with all your heart, soul, strength and mind and your neighbor as yourself.”
When we understand the connectedness of our cosmic Self as an integral part of the universe, we understand that our words, actions and thoughts ripple out as energies that influence the world we inhabit.
It is a big step in understanding that each of us is the expression of divinity and that we are creating and influencing the world we live in rather than that world influencing us. We are energetic beings radiating the lifestyle we have chosen.
When we see the world connected with love, peace, harmony, appreciation, gratitude, and abundance we are bringing together our own vision of the possibility of personal and world peace. This is the path that takes us back to the Father’s house or maybe a Garden of Eden understanding of life.
Maybe it is time for us to wake up and understand that it is not all about us individually. Maybe it is really about connection as our divine selves with our neighbors and loving all that is.