A Course of Love tells us, at the beginning of chapter nine, that the tools that assist us in releasing the ego mind and inviting the one mind or union into the present moment are: meditation; exercises of the body such as yoga; exercises of the mind such as affirmations and the things that surface in our lives as needs which guide us to a state of faith and trust in the Divine to supply them for us.
These are the tools of the spiritual path that we are to follow each day knowing that Spirit is always for growth and expansion as shared by Judge Thomas Troward. I believe that following a daily program of meditation as suggested by the Centering Prayer Group of 20 minutes in the morning and evening is the first step on the path. Taking care of the body by honoring it with movement, nutrition and good care is a second step. Positive affirmations from the Daily Word, Catherine Ponder and other reliable sources spoken out loud each day are a third step. Interestingly enough, faith and trust in Spirit to provide the needs of life are also needed as a fourth step to support us on our journey of returning to Our Father, the Source of all good, knowing that this brings safety and security.
There is a banner on the wall in my office that quotes Confucius. It says: “life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated.” It reminds me that all the stories, procedures, books, seminars, speakers, modalities, theories, opinions, dogmas, etc. might just be distractions to keep us from doing the simple daily work that leads to the awareness we are seeking. The answers are already within us.
Life is simple when we follow the spiritual path of silence, health, affirmation and trust in our All Proving Creator.