We can learn to embrace that power for good in our lives and affairs. These ideas are from Ernest Holmes, a contemporary spiritual leader of Charles Fillmore. Ernest goes on to say that “The good in the universe is greater than you are, greater than I am, greater than all of us. A power for good that we can use in everyday life.”
We know that this power for good is not out there somewhere. We do not have to go on a pilgrimage to find it. It is already within each of us, waiting for us to remember how to access it. We are told in Luke 17:21 that the Kingdom of God is within you. Jesus gives us a hint on how to approach this Presence in Matt. 8:13 when he tells the centurion who has asked for healing of his son, “Let it be done to you according to your belief.”
This power for good is activated in our life and affairs when we believe it is there. It wakes up when we begin an inner conversation with it by appreciating it, honoring it, showing gratitude to it, and trusting it to harmonize our life and affairs.
It shows up for us when we show up for It through prayer, meditation and silence. This takes time and persistence and a supportive community around us. We are changing our inner beliefs and attitudes to life to make this step into a new outlook on life. This is the spiritual path that returns us to the Father’s house of Peace, Harmony, Love and wholeness.