Psalm 91:1 very clearly tells us that: “They who dwell in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.” One thousand years later, Jesus tells us that the Kingdom of Heaven is within. Here we are today, worried about a plague and all the doom and gloom that surrounds us in our modern material world. Sounds like the same problems exist today that existed thousands of years ago, and we are still looking for that secret place of the most high that Jesus told us is right there within us.
In Emilie Cady’s wonderful book, ‘Lessons in Truth’ Lesson Nine addresses this secret place. Paragraph 9 states, “The light (secret) you so crave will come out of the deep silence and become manifest to you from within yourself, if you will but keep still and look for it from that source.”
Yes. The Secret Place is within us. Our job is to bring it into reality from the shadows of consciousness. That is our focus and purpose for being in the bodies of material form.