Staying with the ideas in the Lord’s prayer from Matthew 6 from last week, the next phrase we encounter is: “give us this day our daily bread.” A simple request that we might faithfully experience the needs that we will require for each day.
You will notice that Jesus does not counsel us to ask for the week’s or the month’s or year’s needs. Just today’s needs, which I believe is telling us that our good unfolds on a daily basis as we cultivate our divine heritage and know we are guided, protected and loved by a benevolent heavenly Father. This is part of the spiritual path that we are following as we leave behind the adverse programming of lack and struggle that we have grown up with in the ego’s world.
We live in a bountiful world in which we are innately programmed to flourish and thrive. We have just forgotten how to do that.
Moving along to the next phrase, we find: “Forgive us our debts as we have forgiven our debtors,” or in another translation, “forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us,” and even in another translation, “forgive us our offences as we have forgiven our offenders.” Pretty clear that Jesus is counseling us to forgive, forgive, and forgive.
What a concept, forgiveness of everyone and anything that has offended me in any way is a key to living a happy, productive and peaceful life.
We are a community of seekers. We are seeking (I believe) a path to light, love, and peace. Jesus, among other spiritual teachers, has laid out a very clear path to follow in our search. Let’s continue our study of these simple strategies that we find in His words.