Continuing our conversation from last week, the King James translation of the Bible for the next phrase in the Lord’s Prayer is, “Thy kingdom come, thy will be done in earth as it is in heaven.” To understand how this phrase continues the messages from Jesus, we need to understand more of the metaphysical understanding of the words. The earth represents the consciousness of the physical body and the material world of form that surrounds us. The Kingdom of heaven is the realm of divine ideas where everything is in harmony and order.
With this in mind, we can see that we are asking for the perfect energy of the spiritual domain to infiltrate and harmonize the world that we are experiencing as we go about the journey of human-hood. Whether we know it or not, we are asking for a radical change to take place in our lives. I wonder what it would be like to experience only love as we go about our day. To be loved and appreciated by everyone we interact with and to hear only love and appreciation ideas on the TV, radio and newspaper. Everyone would have a safe place to live, would be healthy and we would have no need for police, courts, jails, counselors, lawyers and even social distancing.
The next phrase digs even deeper into divine law. “Give us this day our daily bread.” Which the metaphysical interpretation tells us means, those things we need to sustain our life. This is the nurturing maternal (Mother’s Day) nature of God if you will. This is the fulfillment of Jesus’s promise for us to take no thought (do not worry), it is the Fathers good pleasure to give you the kingdom.
Jesus is telling us that living by the laws of man creates a physical, material outcome in our lives. Living by the spiritual laws of the Christ that have been shared throughout the ages by gifted spiritual teachers, creates a heavenly life that transcends the physical laws of man.
We have all been imbued with the spirit of God. We each have the divine pattern or road map within us on how to return to the Father as outlined in the parable of the prodigal son. It is our choice to follow that road map or the seductive road map outlined by the ego mind.
The road map of spirit begins with a simple commitment to follow each day with the program outlined in the Lord’s Prayer. Begin the day with surrender and praise, ask for a transformation of my focus in life and know that the Father within will do the work. And do that each and every day until a new day dawns.