We are being asked to practice social distancing from each other so that we do not continue to spread the viral infection to others. This strategy appears to be working in the areas where it has been applied.
I would like to propose another idea that I am calling, “Spiritual Distancing”. Most religions of the world refer in some form to the idea expressed in Proverbs 23:7 of the Old Testament: “As a man thinketh in his heart so is he.” The famous poem “Invictus” by William Ernest Henley says: “I am master of my fate, captain of my soul.” Even the Pogo cartoon of the 1960’s ironically says, “We have met the enemy and them is us.” All these ideas point to the possibility that we create the world we are experiencing by the words, thoughts and actions that we radiate into the world.
More ideas. Again, looking at most of the religious systems in the world we see some form of the Golden Rule. Do unto others as we would have done unto us. In the Christian world, our master teacher, Jesus tells us the only two commandments are to love God and love your neighbor as yourself.
When you look at these ideas, it might be wise to realize that they are not just feel good things that are suggestions on how to live life. They are actually spiritual laws that have consequences as we apply them or ignore them in our lives.
Speak only good, love your neighbor, walk in another’s shoes, and forgive your enemies are the ideas that Jesus shared. He did not say to criticize, condemn and complain. The spiritual laws that we are looking at tell us when we do criticize, condemn and complain, we attract those very things that we are targeting toward someone else into our own lives.
We have become so absorbed in the world and focused on the problems that we have forgotten the simple spiritual laws that exist in the universe. Let’s take a break from the criticism, condemning and complaining and distance ourselves from going there during this time of social distancing. Psalm 133:1 says: “How good and pleasant it is when God’s people live together in unity.”
We are all in this together and now is the time to honor the God-Self in each other and know that we are each a child of God, working toward our highest good. Let’s know that for each other and following spiritual law, see each other as we are, children of a loving Universe.
I think the French philosopher and priest Pierre Teilhard de Chardin said it best: “We are one after all you and I, together we suffer, together exist, and forever will recreate one another.”
I believe it is time to drop looking at the things that separate us and begin looking at the things that bring us together. Spiritual distancing and Divine unity. We are one.