One of our Thursday night class members brought a new idea to me from Charles Fillmore’s book, “The Mysteries of John.” In John 2: 1-12 is the familiar story of the first miracle of Jesus when he changed the water into wine at the wedding feast at Cana. I admit that I took the story for granted and glossed over some of the deeper messages in the passage shared by this class member.
Mary, the mother of Jesus, very clearly in verse 5, ignored her son’s hesitancy to perform the miracle and told the helpers to go ahead and do whatever he tells you to do. This was after Jesus, in verse 4, told her that the lack of wine was not his problem and his time had not arrived yet to step into his Christhood. Now I realize that this is a rather loose interpretation but how else can you take this story and put it into a real context for us to learn from it in a 21st Century consciousness.
Jesus was in the beginning of his ministry after showing up in his hometown area after being gone for a while. He had yet to step out and declare his presence as the Christ. He was just in the process of accumulating his band of followers that we know today as the twelve apostles. He had not yet established his credibility and created a following for his teachings.
Mary, his mother, encouraged him to break out of his hesitancy and begin his ministry with this first display of his divine consciousness. She saw the Christ Mind active in him and called it forth. This miracle came from Mary’s willingness to see beyond the body and see the Christ Presence within Jesus, capable of providing a miracle during this important social event of that time.
This story in the life of our master teacher, Jesus the Christ, illustrates our purpose for being here. We are the prophets of the new, pointing to and seeing only the Christ Presence in everything and everyone we encounter. We know that there are many forms, beliefs, ideas, and religions, and we know that behind it all, is the pure divine presence of the Christ, ready and able to spring forth with love in each situation and challenge that we face.
We are the Mary’s in life, ignoring the hesitancy, procrastinations and maybe fears that come up in each other and encouraging the Christ Self in each other, to reach out with faith and trust, the Inner Higher Self to take over and guide our lives.
You have arrived. You are whole and complete. You are blessed and loved. You are the Christ springing forth into the completion that you are. We see that in you. We know your time of miracles has come. You are capable!