In Paul’s epistle to the Romans, in chapter 8:6, Paul says, “To be spiritually minded is life and peace.” He begins that sentence by saying, “To be carnally minded is death.” Here is a clear demarcation between the living a life of love and peace and living life in turmoil and struggle that is described by Paul. It appears that he is sharing with us that the quality of our thoughts and actions determine the quality and outcomes that we experience in our lives.
What Paul is saying in today’s words (I believe) is, high energy God type thoughts of love, peace, appreciation, integrity, etc. create frequencies in the ethers that produce a life of harmony, joy, love, peace, and abundance in our lives. Low frequency energies of anger, guilt, shame, victimhood, revenge, etc., which are the thoughts from a carnally focused or negative minded entity, produce the life outcomes of depression, disease, lack, and an unfulfilling life.
This is the choice we make as we enter the game of life and begin our journey. Do we follow the spiritual path or the path of the carnally minded? It is our choice and the results we experience are the map telling us which path we are on. It is then we can wake up, look at our results and if needed, adjust our thoughts, words and actions to the path we want. The results of our path in life are dictated by those thoughts, words and actions. Not some outside source.
Jesus told us that the Kingdom of God/Heaven is within. That’s where the map is. That’s where freedom is, that’s where love is, that’s where the answers lie.