Words and what they mean to you drive your life. The world that we find ourselves in has been created by the spoken word. Everything is an idea that comes into form by someone explaining their ideas in words that are than converted into the visual form that someone saw in the idea.
John 1:1 tells us that “the Word was in the beginning, and that Word was God and God was that Word.“ Verse 3 says “everything comes to be by His hand and without Him not one thing that was created came to be.”
The word is creation and the foundation of creation. In Luke 17:21 we are told that the kingdom of God is within us. So the power of the spoken word is within us. The power of creation is within us. We are the continuation of the process of creation.
Creation continues in our world through the idea of words we allow to flow through us. We are the creators of our world through our thoughts and words.
If we don’t have a word for something, we make up new words. Words like television, telephone, automobile, refrigerator, couch, transistor, are all new words that didn’t exist years ago.
We have created words and thoughts from our experience in life. We continue to recreate the world we know and have grown to expect. Most of the recreation occurs because we continue to look at what we don’t want.
Change your words by using words of praise, appreciation, forgiveness, and love and you unlock that power within you to create the life you are looking for.