Reading the first chapter of Genesis, it is clear that God, the Source of all Good, created the earth, the sky, all vegetation, the animal kingdom and everything that was necessary to sustain life and then said that everything created was Good.
So, it appears that the earth was complete and whole and created for us to live and thrive in; a Garden of Eden environment where everything was ready for us as human beings to inhabit. Then Adam and Eve were created to live in this new wonderful environment that had everything in it to support them and help them live an ideal life.
Continuing the story, Adam and Eve fall from grace by accepting the false promises of the serpent (ego) who had them believe that they were better off making their own decisions and controlling their own lives. Once that occurred, the ego or false self, took over and here we are thousands of years later, still lost in the conditioning of struggle and suffering that has resulted from our false belief that we can control the world that was created for us by the perfect hand of God.
The thing to understand is that the earth and heavens are still functioning as created. The problem occurs from us as human beings trying to live in that world using our rules instead of following the Divine rules that were set up in the beginning of creation.
We are told from the holy scriptures that we are perfect in our creation, we are co-creators, and we create as we think. So, we have the ability to run our world as we have decided. So, like a untrained driver deciding not to follow the rules of the road, we create chaos by driving on the wrong side of the road, not stopping for stop signs and driving the wrong way on a one way street. If we continue the analogy to our life, we then blame the guy or anyone else who put the rules in place and blame God for our problems. We then claim it is unfair that we are victims and settle into our self-righteous indignation toward anyone that we believe has caused our problems.
We have been given this marvelous world to live in. We have been given free choice and the inner guidance rules to live by. We are co-creators of how life unfolds for us through the power in our words, thoughts and actions. A simple analogy would tell us that the steering wheel, brake pedal, and accelerator of life are the words, thoughts and actions that we use in navigating life and the results that show up in our lives. Not the outside sources that we blame.
We are loved, guided and prospered by Holy Spirit. Maybe it is time to know how to take the steering wheel of life.