In Matthew 22:36, Jesus is asked by the Pharisees, who were trying to trap him with words, “Which is the greatest commandment in the law?” Jesus answered, Love the Lord, your God with all your heart, soul, might and mind. He then added that there is a second one that is just as important, Love your neighbor as yourself. He then added that on these two commandments hang the law or the final teaching of the spiritual path.
At this point in Jesus’ life, it is pretty clear that He knew that He was in His final days before the crucifixion and He was teaching that the expression of love is the greatest purpose that we are here to share with the world.
When we understand that we are each an expression of Divinity with the corresponding ability of creation through our words, thoughts and actions we begin to realize that when we express anything other than love, we are creating exactly the things that we don’t want to create rooted in the energies of hate, fear, revenge and anger.
When we express words, thoughts and actions of love, we are creating the outcomes that allow us to live a harmonious life that includes peace, abundance, and freedom. In “Choose only Love” book 5 it says that “Freedom is the reality of Love.”
We can only be free when we create a consciousness of Love for all things in our lives. This is the great secret that Jesus shared with us in the final days of His life in form. What we think about we create. It is really that simple. Let’s discuss this amazing, counterintuitive idea that could bring us the peace, abundance and harmony that we are looking for. In the meantime, I Love you and honor the Christ in you.