We are Love in action creating a new map for relationship. We are Love in action enjoying our wonderful lifestyle of prosperity and abundance. We are Love in action as we experience health and vitality in our material body. We are Spirit and the expression of divinity as we accept and nurture the Christ Light within us.
We are the wonderful energy of Love. As we learn to accept it, honor it, nurture it, embrace it, and wake it up within us, we begin to radiate those energies of Love to the world around us. We are then led by Spirit to those things that create relationship, prosperity, health, and vitality. We are then ready to experience the wonderful powers that we possess that are available to us any time we choose. This then translates into actions that are based on a Love basis that are God Code based instructions. A map of the Spiritual path.
What we are saying here is that, expressing life from Love creates a map that leads us to all the wonderful lifestyle issues that we are seeking (every one’s reality of “wonderful lifestyle” is different). The plan of action and the resource miracles that are needed comes after the new lifestyle of Love is your new pattern of life. Matt, 6:33 tells us this is the map to miracles: “Seek you first the Kingdom of God and his righteousness, (Love) and all these things will be added unto you.”
We are Love in action is what we are creating within our spiritual community of Love that we call Unity Spiritual Center Pflugerville. The action that we seek occurs when we are operating from our spiritual side of Love. Not worrying, doubting, complaining or blaming anyone or anything.
We are Love, God is, and all is well is our new outlook on life. Our strategy is to express only love, nurturing, praise, and energies of support to everyone in our sphere of relationship. Whenever doubt, fear, anxiety, or lack thoughts come in, we know that expressing Love to those thoughts is the road back to Spirit. Jesus supports us in Luke 12:32 by saying, “Fear not little flock; for it is the Fathers good pleasure to give you the Kingdom.”
We are Love in action bringing the Kingdom of Heaven and its blessings into our lives. Therefore, we are required to learn the new pattern of life that asks us to welcome all events, situations, and people into relationship with us in Love. This also requires a new understanding and pattern of life. This is the new era that has been dawning in our world of illusion. We are now beings of Love and cooperation in relationship with all that is.
This is the future that we are envisioning together. A world of relationship, wholeness, joy and peace. This is our possibility as we follow the simple teachings of Jesus back to the Father’s house. We Love you and appreciate you just as you are, A beautiful child of God.