To me it is the crux of the situations we find ourselves in and an answer to how to pull ourselves out of the struggle and suffering we experience. This is a call to understand that we are divinity and the answers we are seeking are already within us.
Jesus tells us in John 4:24 that God is Spirit. The first chapter of Genesis tells us that God created us in His image and likeness which must mean that we are Spirit, incorporeal and without form in our original presence. Jesus again tells us in John 3:6 “That which is born of the flesh is flesh and that which is born of the Spirit is Spirit.” Spirit is an invisible energy that is without form (incorporeal). We definitely have a body, a form that exists as us, clearly defined with a place of birth a name, a family and a history of life that supports our existence in form. So, this must mean that we are a spirit living in a body.
The question then becomes, who is running my life and what is mapping my life and future? Is it the physical form of the body or the spiritual essence of God? Interesting question. We are promised the Kingdom, a Garden of Eden existence, a life of no worries as described by Jesus in the Sermon on the Mount in Matthew Chapters 5&6. What happened? I believe that it is evident that we are spiritual beings, trapped in the material world because our physical mind and body have taken control and are operating our lives on the rules of the material world instead of the simple rules of the spiritual world.
Eric Butterworth tells us in “The Universe is Calling” that “We are dealing with consciousness and as hard as it is to accept, there are no experiences unrelated to our consciousness.” We are spiritual beings exercising our powers of creating our life and its many experiences with every thought, word and belief that we store in our consciousness. (our subconscious mind). We then wonder why things are in our lives the way they are and forgotten the simple truth that we live in our consciousness.
I know this is an uncomfortable message. It is to me when I have to face the truth that I am master of my fate and captain of my soul as described by the poet, William Henly in “Invictus.” A saving grace is the idea that the ego has created an addiction so great that it has overwhelmed me and drives me to criticize, condemn and complain about everything. I have learned to project my anger at everyone who has kept me from being successful so I can feel sorry for myself and blame others for my failures in life.
Wait, my Spiritual Self tells me that I am created in the image and likeness of God, Jesus tells me it is the Father’s good pleasure to give me the Kingdom, Jesus has also told me that I am the light of the world. Pretty heavy stuff to take in and believe. That is the Spiritual side of me waiting to come and take over the results in my life.
I am learning to listen to and become addicted to a new story in life. The story created by the Spirit side of my life and consciousness. The True Self that I/you/we are: A glorious child of God that knows it is the Fathers good pleasure to give us the Kingdom. Will you join me? The way out of addiction to the ego’s world requires diligence and discipline. However, the more of us that make the shift the sooner the Kingdom appears for everyone. Join us on this journey back to the Father’s house within.