James 2:26 tells us that “For just as the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without works is also dead.” James is the brother of Jesus who became the head of the first Christian church. He was a man of great authority writing to the Christian Jews dispersed throughout the Roman Empire, reminding them of the simple, practical spiritual teachings of Jesus.
The simple teachings of Jesus lead us onto pathways that lead to the healing and refurbishment of the heart and mind of humankind. These pathways include the words, energies, and actions of love, honor, peace, oneness, and inclusion that lead us back to the Oneness that we are seeking. A return to the Garden of Eden experience.
The Revealing Word Dictionary of Metaphysical Terms, in its definition for healing, tells us that it is “Restoring to original purity or integrity.” This is expunging the hidden beliefs of anger, separation, hate in any form, fear of loss, and replacing them with a consciousness of a healing and trusting faith that the Father within, the Christ mind within us, is the only place to go for answers. The answers are within, not in the world of the ego.
The Revealing Word goes on to describe a Natural Healer as: “One who has a great compassion and yearning to help humanity out of its errors and suffering. When one enters this state of consciousness, a healing virtue pours out that changes all discord to harmony.”
We, as a spiritual community, are about the world coherence of the heart. This is a returning to the frequencies and energies of love, harmony and peace that will create that condition of “World Peace” that humankind has been seeking for eons. This takes a great faith and belief in the simple spiritual teachings of Jesus. This is a faith that James points out to us is fruitless unless it is actually applied and practiced in our words, thoughts, and actions.
During my earlier career as a public speaker, I was involved in a “Conflict Resolution” class. One of the basic principles taught in that class was: you cannot solve conflict with more conflict. You have to seek common ground and then build from that base.
We have to be willing to seek the common ground of the spiritual path that says we are One, God is good and only good. Anything that separates us from that, is an illusion created by the ego mind. We are here to learn those ideas and since we are still in human form, we will be given lessons that challenge our spiritual path. Faith in the principles is our foundation of Oneness. We are creating a new world from our combined healing energies of Love, Peace, Oneness and Harmony.
We walk in peace and love. We act in peace and love. We talk in peace and love. The peace of God goes before us, surrounds us, and emanates from us. We are the essence of divinity expressing that energy of love to the world around us and all is well.