Charles Fillmore says in his book “Prosperity” on page 74 “We don’t have to pray or beg God to give us anything. All we need do is to meditate quietly and affirm the presence and power of the great Giver of all and then accept the gifts.”
The question becomes, what are we attracting into our lives by the vibrations we are radiating from our words, thoughts and beliefs?
Pretty brave statement in a world that believes that we must struggle, manipulate, compete, and work hard to get what we want in life. He goes on to say, “The sense mind is filled with lack and limitation; the spiritual mind knows only limitless abundance.” This whole idea is only amplified for us by the words of Jesus in Luke 12:32 “Fear not…it is your Fathers good pleasure to give you the kingdom.”
So how does this work out in our lives and how do we experience these wonderful promises that we are given? First step is to understand the Law of Attraction and the role that it applies in our lives. The Law is stated simply as “we attract what we think about.” This thinker is the creative part of us that brings into manifestation the thoughts and beliefs that we hold in our minds. This is also the divinity that is expressing through us.
Science tells us that everything is energy at different rates of vibration. Science also tells us that our thoughts are vibrational, and we are sending out vibrational energies to the world around us. The law of attraction tells us that we become those energies that we are broadcasting. The question becomes, what are we attracting into our lives by the vibrations we are radiating from our words, thoughts and beliefs?
It appears that dwelling on thoughts of love, peace, health, abundance and all of the positive aspects of life attract those corresponding frequencies. People, resources and events show up in our lives to support these spiritual frequencies that create the new lifestyle we are seeking. Paul tells us in Phil, 4:8 “…if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.” We are birthing a new world of Spirit and attracting only good into our lives and affairs. Join me as we attract the peace and love that is ours through our focus on love and peace and all the good things in life.