“That is ready to come into manifestation when molded by our thoughts” is a quotation from Charles Fillmore in his book, “Dynamics for Living”. The key to understanding this mystery of abundance is shared with us in Proverbs 23:7 which tells us that “As a Man thinketh in his heart, so is he”.
Charles Fillmore, the co-founder of our Unity organization was a student of a spiritual path in life. He began his quest for understanding the great spiritual mysteries of life when he saw his wife, Myrtle, healed from a simple affirmation shared with her that she took into her consciousness and repeated again and again until her fatal sickness left her body. That affirmation was “I am a child of God and as a child of God, I cannot inherit disease”.
In his quest for understanding of the great power that healed Myrtle, Charles studied the great religions of the world finally realizing that the answers showed up in most of the religions. He also realized that the teachings of Jesus and our Bible, when interpreted in a spiritual way, were the best for our western culture.
Going back to the original statement used by Myrtle to heal her sickness from within, we look at the statement and realize that this statement can be used in any circumstance to heal or correct almost any problem or challenge.
The simple statement that “I am a child of God” is truth that is supported with scripture in many ways starting with Genesis 1:27 when we are told that we are created in the image of God and supported by the words of Jesus in the sermon on the mount in Matthew chapter 5&6.
The next part of the statement says, “…and as a child of God, I cannot inherit disease”. This is also a statement of truth. Can you imagine an omnipotent, omniscient, and omnipresent Creator with disease, lack, fear, doubt and the other foibles of the human race? It is an impossible thought.
We were given free choice as our birthright and given the power of manifestation through the use of our divine thoughts. Prov. 23:7, “As a man thinketh in his heart so is he”.
This simple statement of truth can be used with ahy challenge, just change the word disease to the challenge you are facing and know that any problem you face is not part of who you are.
To complete the words of Charles in his book, he says, “Loose all thoughts of lack and lay hold of thoughts of plenty. See the abundance of all good things”. These are the ideas we will look at on Sunday. Could joy, happiness, health and wealth really be just a thought away? I believe the answer is YES! That is the mystery of the spiritual path.