The final sentence in the Lord’s Prayer says: “For thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory, forever. Amen.” Here, Jesus is telling us to recognize that we live in a world based on God’s rules not our rules. As an expression of the Divine, we have been given the freedom of choice and unfortunately, we have wandered from the original Garden of Eden existence that was planned for us. After generations of operating from the rules made up by the ego, Jesus is telling us to let go and let God’s rules of love and peace operate in our world.
This week I was asked to comment on the story of the Tower of Babel from Genesis 11 where descendants of Noah, who were of one language, built a city and a tower that was to reach the heavens and “make a name for themselves”. The Lord saw that they were in one accord and to prevent them from doing what they imagined, divided their language so they did not understand each other.
The Metaphysical Bible Dictionary gives us an answer to the Tower of Babel question and reinforces the Truth that we live in God’s World. It says that: The name Babel “signifies confusion”. “When man thinks in outer, or purely mental and psychic ways, he can comprehend and contact the divine, confusion is always the outcome. It is only through the inner Spirit of Truth that he can come in touch with and gain spiritual knowledge.”
In our modern world, there are many competing beliefs attempting to get our attention and allegiance. Jesus has directed us to focus on the Kingdom of God within and understand that there is only one language of God, LOVE. Let go of the world’s languages that are promoted and prompted by the ego self.