A favorite Fillmore affirmation of mine is “I spring forth with a mighty zeal to do those things that ought to be done by me”. This is appropriate as we enter the new year of 2018. A Course of Love gives us a direction for this new year when it says on page 278, “Forget not who you truly are, but forget not also to be in joy in your experience here”.
The word joy is used quite often in our scriptures and spirit led writings. Jesus tells us in John 16:24, “…ask and you shall receive that your joy may be full”. The Psalms tells us too make a joyful noise unto the Lord. The Christmas story angel tells the shepherds, “I bring you great tidings of joy”. The birth of the Christ consciousness into our awareness is the great metaphor for our spiritual journey.
Looking up the definition for zeal, it tells me that it means great enthusiasm or passion. On our spiritual path we are to ask for wonderful things and then have great enthusiasm and excitement that everything in our lives is leading us to our highest good. Sometimes we are asked to let go of the old before we move into our highest good and we see that as Spirit working for us, with us, and through us.
We are told that everything works for our highest good. We are joyful with all things because God is in charge.