Evidently our path in life is the outcome of the vibrational influences that we take into our consciousness along the way in life. It appears that many of these influences occur at a young age before we are able to discern their impact on how our life unfolds. We are then stuck with these beliefs that determine the outcomes we experience in our life and affairs.
So, the question becomes: how can we change the patterns stored in our subconscious mind to produce a more productive, happy, abundant and meaningful life that we have been promised in the scriptures of most religions. “The great question of life.”
There are thousands of self-help books, hundreds of seminars and workshops, and uncountable religious and spiritual ideas that promise us the lifestyle we are looking for in our search for success. The problem that shows up for many of us that are on the track of self-improvement is finding one that works for us.
After many years of reading books, spending thousands of dollars on seminars, CD’s, DVD’s, and other training devices searching for the answers to success, I finally decided to adopt Maslow’s final hierarchy of needs position of “Self Actualization”. You will notice that the word self is capitalized on purpose meaning that there is within me and everyone else a Divine Self that knows the answers to life’s challenges and is capable of guiding us and nurturing us on the spiritual path to the life styles that our soul is seeking.
Science tells us that everything in our Universe is vibrating at its own unique frequency. Science also tells us that the energy of our thoughts creates a vibration that draws to us like vibrations that will create events, people, items and attitudes in our lives from the vibrations that we radiate. This is called entrainment or attraction of sympathetic vibrations
I now believe that our inner Self knows the codes in the vibrations of the universe that will attract to us the wonderful lifestyle that we are seeking. This code we call Love or the Universal Language of the heart from the Divine. After many years of searching, I really believe the spiritual path is the short cut to the top of the mountain.