Through out the ages, scholars have been looking for the secret word or series of words that create the magical world of our imagination. The abracadabra of fiction. The spoken word rumored by the mystics of old that can bring miracles into our lives and correct any problem we are experiencing. Maybe this is the language of Love.
I recently realized again that the answer is in the words we use everyday as we go about our experience of life. Jesus says in Mt. 12:37 “For by your words shall you be justified and by your words you shall be found guilty.” Charles Fillmore tells us in “The Twelve Powers of Man”; “the power center in the throat controls all the vibratory energies of the organism.”
As we speak words, any words, we set up a vibratory force in the universe that goes out into the ethers (energy) and creates that which we are speaking. This looks like all the words we speak are the secret words of creation that we have been looking for through the centuries. So, it looks like we are living in a universe of our own making through the words we speak everyday and attracting to ourselves through the law of attraction the people, events and experiences that we have been speaking.
We do know that high frequency words such as love, peace, joy, abundance, gratitude, friendship, and mercy create high frequency, loving lifestyles. We also know that low frequency words such as hate, envy, manipulation, anger, condemnation and criticism create low frequency, negative lifestyles.
So, it looks like there are no secret words that have been hidden from us. It looks like the everyday conversations we have with ourselves and others is creating the world we are experiencing. We can use words of love to enhance our lives and others or use words to criticize, condemn and complain and experience the lifestyle created by those words.
Pretty simple idea to use an everyday language of love based words to make a positive world instead of the current world we are experiencing from the use of low frequency words that our culture has taught how to use.
We love you and invite you to join us as we change our thinking and learn to use only high frequency words of love and peace. We are traveling a path of spiritual awareness as we return to the Father’s house of love, joy, peace and harmony. Letting go of the fear based words in our vocabulary and installing the love based words in our love language is a major step along the way to Awareness of our True State of Being.