Fascinating question. Who is God, what is God, what is your God, what is your standard for the way you presence yourself in life, what is your standard for right and wrong, how do you make decisions in life? These are all questions that point to how you act out your role in life. These answers could include, there is no God, God doesn’t care, God is a judge keeping track of everything I do and rewarding me or punishing me for what I do. It could also include God is love or God is a tyrant waiting to create problems for me. The thing to realize is that you have a God of your understanding and that your life is unfolding based on that image that was planted in your subconscious mind years ago. As a child, you created a precept of what the rules of life are for you.
In our current world, some of us have grown up with images of a God that lives in the clouds triggered from pictures painted years ago by the medieval painters of the Middle Ages. Others of us have been influenced from the Christian scriptures that have been interpreted as God judging good and bad and deciding that we are sinful and must be saved. Some people in other religions have grown up with images of God as statues. Some have even rejected the idea of a God so they can live life without any sort of code other than, eat, drink and live in pleasure
The Law of Attraction that says, we attract to ourselves what we think and believe, which then unfolds for us, a life experience of whatever we have adopted as the image of God in our lives. Genesis Chapter 1 tells us that God created us in His image and then we turn around and use our powers to create God in our image and then wonder why we are not living in the promised land as described in the Bible.
Scripture says, God is Light in 1 John 1:5. It also says in John 4:8 that God is Love. In John 4:24 it says, God is Spirit and must be worshipped in Spirit and in life. Can you imagine what life would be like if all you saw, thought and experienced was God as Spirit, Light and Love? The only thing that the law of attraction could bring to is Spirit, Light and Love. What would there be to fear, what would there be to doubt, what would there be to worry about? I might even learn to worry good. (What would that be like?)
Basically, God is whatever you imagine and believe It to be. Your choice. Once you choose then the pattern of what you believe starts showing up in your life. My Bible says that God is good and only good. God is light. The Kingdom (everything that I am looking for) is the Christ who you really are that is waiting to take over and guide you on the spiritual path back to the Father’s house.
You are perfect and whole just as you are. You are the light of the world. All of that is waiting for each of us to accept a new image of a loving God and shake off the old image of God that has been planted by outside influences in the material world.