Most of us have come up with our personal image of God through early religious training, pictures from ancient artists, and parental guidance. Some of us believe God is a superhuman type being of masculine gender living on a cloud somewhere in space. Some of us believe that God judges us and keeps us in line by keeping track of our sins. Some of us even have a hard time believing there really is a God.
So many different answers and so many different images from so many sources. How do we know what is true when asked to explain where and what God is?
Since I come from a Christian based belief system, I must start with the words of Jesus who said in John 4:24 “For God is Spirit and those who worship Him must worship him in spirit and in truth”. So, to me this means God is an energy that is everywhere present and available to those who accept His presence. Jesus also said in Luke 17:21 “The Kingdom of Heaven is within you”, so everything that we are looking for is already within us.
A simple answer to the question “Where is God?” is that God is an energy for good that is everywhere present and available to those who are on a spiritual path of love and peace.